Ross Lemons, PE
Founder | Principal
Ross Lemons has been in the field of structural engineering since graduation from the University of Texas San Antonio in 2015. After graduation Ross went to work for a Structural engineering firm in Bozeman, MT that specialized in blast design and structural façade systems. Ross amplified his skills in the structural engineering field by taking part in multiple single family and multi-family residential properties. He also took part in site inspections for schools and residences in the build phase.
During the initial phases of his career Ross noticed that a common theme among engineers and contractors was a lack of understanding or disconnect between the engineer and the people in the field. As someone who believes the only way to learn something is to get your hands dirty, Ross took a hiatus from engineering to go into the field and gain the knowledge he believed necessary to bridge the gap between contractor and engineer. Through this experience he gained a great deal of insight into what contractors and clients deal with on a daily basis.
After swinging a hammer for 18 months, Ross decided it was time to return to his original passion, and pursue his life long dream of starting his own firm. Ross founded Trident Engineering in 2023 with the goal in mind to have a customer oriented firm with a high level of customer service.
Born and raised in the great state of Montana, Ross is an avid fisherman and bowhunter when not in the office. He also coaches his son's baseball team as an aspiring pitcher, and tries to never miss either of his daughters sporting events. If you don't find him hunting or fishing, he is most likely out making campfire memories with his wife and three children.